Finishing up NextJS migration

Tony Vu
2 min readJan 31, 2021

This week has been a underperforming week for me in term of open source contribution. Changes in my coop schedule forced me to spend less time on working with Telescope. However, the rest of the team has been quite effective and got many PRs merged during Friday meeting.
Personally, I managed to submit two PRs. One for SEO and one for MyFeeds page component. I learned quite a bit during the process. This is the first time I worked with SEO and I found out it is not that scary as I thought before. NextJS has their own way of doing SEO and it is very neat. You can do it for each custom page as an SEO component or doing it inside _document

This looks simple right? But to get them right and perfect is challenging because to become a guru in SEO you need to really know what each meta does. I have SEO on the list of topics to be further explored in the future.

Next on MyFeeds page, After I pushed the commit, CI/CD failed it due to the fact that ExistingFeedList has some issue with the way it returns. ExistingFeedList returns an array of elements which is not qualified to TypeScript as a JSX component. The fix for that is to wrap the array of components with a pair of React.Fragment as we have discussed in that chat

Also my teammates have identify a few of improvements that can be made to make the code cleaner and some useful suggestions to improve the readability of it. I can’t describe how supportive and dedicated everyone is in this project and that is one thing I love about Telescope.

And that was my update this week. I will try to be more involved next week after missing both the meetings this week. Thank you all for reading!

Tony Vu

