My week started off very productive with a lot of work done. This week we are tasked to migrate the front end of Telescope from Gatsby to NextJS and we targeted to ship the next release on Friday. The initial reason for this migration was to take advantages of NextJS to dynamically deliver content which Gatsby lacks of. I will use this migration to help me understand better about NextJS and be ready for the migration to NextJS of my coop platforms. We had the first meeting on Tuesday and finally set up the list of components so everyone knows the order to merge them into the Next system. I was assigned a few components to work with as well as continuing on my existing PR that have not been closed from OSD600. In OSD700, we have a smaller class, so it is easier to communicate as your messages would be received by a certain group of people and they normally are very responsive. I felt great going into it until problem happened with my local repo.
One of the tasks I had was to migrate the theme file and it seems to be very straight forward at first. I did not need to change anything in the original file because Material UI had typings built in and work well with Typescript until my commit failed the CI/CD build. It failed to provide the theme object to I was confused! It should not have failed. After hours doing trials and failures, I managed to rewrite the code following the example from MUI repo but then professor Dave found out that the set up was for MUI v5 while we are using MUI v4. I was thinking “Great! I should have read the readme”. So I reverted it to the previous files and tried to do what I did before and surprisingly this time it worked. I was super confused and suspected that there might be something in my previous files that were broken. The other change that I made was to change the export of theme object to default export instead of name export. Now Telescope in Next can have the palette that it has in Gatsby and I called that a success.
Despite being struggled with the theming issue, I completed quite a few issues this week. On a personal level, I feel satisfied with what I did. In general, we did a great job as a team to merge 40 PRs and according to Dave, 1.5 could have been the release with the most PRs. In my opinion, that was a proud moment for us! Great job team!
Let’s move on to 1.6 release in 2 weeks. Thank you for reading!
Tony Vu